Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Got the Tracks on my SPOT

We rolled about 1000 miles in Baja. Lots and lots of dirt. Landed at Mike's Sky Ranch on the first night. Got in just before dark. Got lost most of the afternoon, but got back on track thanks to some buggys we ran into on the trail.
They fired up the genes' for us and served some good steaks and refreshments...lights out at 9:00pm.

We dropped down out of Mike's and hit a killer Playa and twisted it all the way to the Sea of Cortez where we parked in San Felipe and hit Rice n' Beans for Fish Tacos. Got a hotel and did some repairs.
The next morning we ran down to Gonzaga Bay on the Sea and then it was off to Coco's Corner for a pit stop.

We decided to take the harder route through the arroyo. The sand was deep with lots of water crossings. Problems started early...flats, flats, flats. Everyone got fixed up, but the crew seperated and 3 guys rolled on while 4 of us backtracked to Coco's and down the main route to Hwy 1, where we ate dinner. I think it was hairy dog meat tacos, but it was good.

We all hooked back up at a dry lake bed for a night of camping.

Got the Tracks on my SPOT We rolled about 1000 miles in Baja. Lots and lots of dirt. Landed at Mike's Sky...